"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

Henry's story is touching. Ford did a good job of moving smoothly between Henry's youth and the time of his adult maturity. I thought it was a little strange that Henry's son was such a prolific patron of the world wide web in 1986. That would have been VERY forward thinking of him. I'm not sure that I was even playing Oregon Trail using the dinner-plate sized floppy in 1986 but I never have been a computer whiz kid. That minor detail aside, the story was touching, though a little grim. I would have liked a little humor. I shed the requisite tears but a little joke every now and then wouldn't have hurt anything. There isn't anything funny about this novel though. If you want funny you'll have to move it over to Tina Fey or Erma Bombeck. Jamie Ford isn't having any part of it.       All said, this was a very average read for me. Neutral. Like the color taupe.

You'll find an official description of the plot line at: 

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