"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

This book was painfully slow for me. So many words, so little story. I listened to this one. It was split into two parts. At one point I lost my place and went through the process of skipping around the audio until I found my place. I thought I was successful and continued to listen only to find that I had picked a place about 30% further into the book than I had actually been. Now, here's where it gets sad- I didn't miss a thing! I picked it right up and was able to finish without missing a beat. I did go back and listen to what I had skipped and it filled in a few blank spots but the real point is that I shouldn't have been able to skip so much out of the middle of the book and still come away with the same opinion. I have seen this one get some very high ratings and it has appeared on multiple book lists, keeping company with books I adore, but as far as I'm concerned- this was an eye-bleeding experience that I'm happy to put behind me.

You will find an official description of the plot line at: 
http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3591262-cutting-for-stone .

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